Friday, January 17, 2020

7 Awesome Ways to Keep Skunks Away from Your House

You need to make sure you do not leave food or other attractants in areas where you expect a skunk to be. This includes the garage, the basement and even under the house if you live in an area with lots of rodents. If you are still worried about dealing with these animals, you can avoid the unpleasant skunk odor by keeping your home extremely clean and organized. That includes the outdoors, where they tend to hide and make their home. Rabies symptoms include seizures, aggressiveness, and being active during the day.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

In most cases, people inadvertently threaten skunks, which is why the spray is usually so unexpected. If you come across a skunk, try to keep a distance from them. Avoid making sudden movements or walking toward it in a manner that would be perceived as threatening.

What's the best way to get rid off a skunk?

Place old rags that have been dipped in ammonia under your porch or deck to deter skunks. As with the human urine, this is not a permanent solution and will require reapplication as the smell of ammonia fades. Because ammonia is a chemical repellent, it could pose a threat to pets and children, so you only use this method if necessary. Since skunks are nocturnal, they stay away from areas with bright lights. Consider installing a motion sensor light source to get rid of skunks in your yard. The yard lights up as soon as skunks head onto your lawn, scaring them away.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

Opt to collect morning urine samples as they are more concentrated and likely to work more effectively as a result. As you might expect, it can take quite some time to collect an adequate amount of urine, depending on how big the area you intend to protect is. For this technique, start by identifying where the skunk problem is – look for any of the aforementioned signs of their presence. The next step is to collect as much human urine as possible in a bucket or similar container. Porches and decks tend to have considerably high clearance, and often have several potential entrances that skunks can use. If there is an entry point under your house, it is highly likely that a skunk might come across it and set up a shelter.

Ways to Prevent Skunks from Entering Your Yard

Learning how to get rid of skunks isn’t always easy, but it can be a fun experiment. If you need to get rid of skunk smell in the house and it seems to linger, spritz this spray throughout. Open the windows and turn on fans to disperse the odor. When you place the clothes in the washer, use cold water and let the clothes air dry. This natural laundry detergent works better than bleach to remove the strong skunk smell in clothing. When you educate yourself on the right bait to place in your trap, capturing a skunk is more manageable.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

If the spray does not put your dog in serious distress, you can neutralize the smell yourself. Alternatively, you can also buy commercial products specifically made for neutralizing skunk spray. I switched to solar motion detector lights, but I still had to thoroughly clean my property and cover potential access routes for this technique to work. Skunks also eat fallen fruits, birdseed, berries, nuts, and pet food, to mention a few. Clean up these potential food sources as often as possible to reduce the food sources that they can access.

Can Skunks Climb Fences?

I now remove the food bowl as soon as she’s done so there’s no temptation for Mr. Stinky Skunk but he still shows up. I’ve got lights on and hold a flashlight for deterring skunks, but they are still showing up. Ensure your yard has no skunk attractants - pet food, garbage bags, water bowls, leftover vegetables, fruits, etc. These will not only attract skunks but other wildlife as well. The most common way people get skunked is when they’re taking out the trash or walking by an open garbage bin outside late at night.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

However, if your yard is rich in insects, larvae, and other grubs, skunks do not mind digging up the lawn to reach them. A natural repellent for skunks is easy to make, but you need to know what the popular attractants are first. When you eliminate these things, skunks are less likely to continue returning to your house. The two main attractors for skunks are bird feeders and sunflower seeds, as the skunks view these as nutritious food sources.

I'm going to start with using a cage to see if that helps catch him. Thanks for all the info, I will take it one step at a time." Because of this, you should avoid killing skunks whenever possible. Yes, but if you set a trap, you have to make sure to check it every day. If you set a trap and forget about it, the trapped animal is going to suffer. Look into your local laws before attempting to trap and release a skunk.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

However, throughout this article, we offer many simple home remedies to keep skunks away from the house. Learning how to get rid of skunks is a relatively straightforward process when you utilize the most effective tools. It is well known that skunks are scared of dogs and cats.

Do Mothballs Keep Skunks Away?

Skunks prefer to construct their simple burrows beneath existing structures. Around homes, they dig under porches, decks, stairs, sheds, and mobile home entrances very frequently. These areas provide them with existing overhead cover that helps them feel secure. Nite Guard Solarand start protecting your property from skunks, today. Provides a helpful description of the different digging styles between skunks, raccoons, and moles.

I’ve chosen to adjust to living with the skunks and it’s working out just fine. Also, to get rid of skunks, use mothballs around their home. They don’t like the smell of mothballs & will relocate.

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