Friday, January 17, 2020

Keep Skunks Away From Your House

Our suggestion of trap and release is illegal in the state of Illinois. So let’s find out how to keep skunks away under the house, shed, and around your home. About three weeks after their birth, skunk kits open their eyes. Despite having very sensitive eyes and very poor eyesight, they have excellent senses of hearing and smell. When the skunk spray hits you directly in the face, specifically the eyes, it might cause itching, burning, and general irritation to them.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

He is a certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator in Washington State and received his BA from the University of Washington in 2012. Ironically, skunks aren’t a huge fan of strong smells, like ammonia. Dip a few rags into ammonia and leave them around your property to hopefully send the skunks elsewhere. Deter skunks from entering small areas with chicken wire.

Have A Skunk Problem? Call the Experts at Shumaker Animal Control

Skunks will dig into turf or even roll it away to get at these grubs, damaging your lawn in the process. Grubs are especially prevalent in the early to mid spring, and they attract skunks like nothing else. Skunks are horrible climbers and even worse at jumping so a barrier just might do the trick. However, they are excellent diggers and can squeeze themselves into holes that are about 4 inches wide. Keeping them out with barriers require that you seal up any holes and ditches. Enclose areas that are open and large with mesh wire of about 3 feet high and 1 foot deep.

Information about skunk trapping - analysis and methods for how to trap. While earthworms are great for soil health, earthworms and grubs also happen to be a favorite skunk snack. The only thing worse than having skunks invade your yard is having them invade your home! Be sure to fix all holes in doors, cracks in the foundation, or any other opening a skunk could crawl into. If a skunk finds its way into your home, be sure to contact us. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy!

What Animal Problem Do You Have?

I now remove the food bowl as soon as she’s done so there’s no temptation for Mr. Stinky Skunk but he still shows up. I’ve got lights on and hold a flashlight for deterring skunks, but they are still showing up. Ensure your yard has no skunk attractants - pet food, garbage bags, water bowls, leftover vegetables, fruits, etc. These will not only attract skunks but other wildlife as well. The most common way people get skunked is when they’re taking out the trash or walking by an open garbage bin outside late at night.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

If you’ve tried all of the above steps above and failed to eliminate the skunks, then it’s time to call a professional. If you think you have a skunk problem on your property, call the experts at Shumaker Animal Control to deal with the problem for you. Our experienced team will take care of the problem in a timely manner, ensuring that your home and pets are not in any danger. Skunks also enjoy feeding on fruits and berries that have fallen from trees in people’s yards. To keep skunks away, pick fruits and berries as soon as they ripen and routinely rake your yard. Disturb the peace.If you do locate a skunk's den, keep up a campaign of gentle harassment by covering up the opening with leaves or straw.

How to Keep Skunks Away from Your Yard with Ammonia

Therefore, you want to use it sparingly and take extra precautions when handling it to avoid too much exposure. Use wire mesh or chicken-wire fencing to limit their access to these areas. From my experience, I found that digging the mesh a couple of inches under the structure is more effective at keeping them out rather than simply digging beneath it. With no sturdy cover to dig under, t is highly unlikely that skunks will construct burrows in your yard.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

Learning how to get rid of skunks isn’t always easy, but it can be a fun experiment. If you need to get rid of skunk smell in the house and it seems to linger, spritz this spray throughout. Open the windows and turn on fans to disperse the odor. When you place the clothes in the washer, use cold water and let the clothes air dry. This natural laundry detergent works better than bleach to remove the strong skunk smell in clothing. When you educate yourself on the right bait to place in your trap, capturing a skunk is more manageable.

We’ll show you how to use several DIY skunk deterrents to keep skunks away from your house and out of your yard and prevent a skunk problem from developing. Find out how to get rid of skunks with few materials and little effort. Skunks hardly ever travel more than two miles from their home, so it’s vital to discourage them from making a den near your house. Fortunately, there are several things skunks hate, and incorporating them around your home is a great form of wildlife control. Commercial repellents are formulated to deter skunks from your home. Buy a bottle of skunk repellent, then spray it around the perimeter of your yard.

While citrus smells bright and fresh to us, it is one thing that skunks hate being around. Many of us already have citrus fruits at our houses, and we can quickly turn them into a solution that keeps skunks and other pests away. Even though skunks create strong odors of their own, they really don’t like pungent smells.

Light Your Yard at Night

Opt to collect morning urine samples as they are more concentrated and likely to work more effectively as a result. As you might expect, it can take quite some time to collect an adequate amount of urine, depending on how big the area you intend to protect is. For this technique, start by identifying where the skunk problem is – look for any of the aforementioned signs of their presence. The next step is to collect as much human urine as possible in a bucket or similar container. Porches and decks tend to have considerably high clearance, and often have several potential entrances that skunks can use. If there is an entry point under your house, it is highly likely that a skunk might come across it and set up a shelter.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

However, if your yard is rich in insects, larvae, and other grubs, skunks do not mind digging up the lawn to reach them. A natural repellent for skunks is easy to make, but you need to know what the popular attractants are first. When you eliminate these things, skunks are less likely to continue returning to your house. The two main attractors for skunks are bird feeders and sunflower seeds, as the skunks view these as nutritious food sources.

I can let you know if a Pest Control Company will remove a skunk, where you should Relocate a Trapped Skunk, and what wildlife rehabilitators do with skunks. Find out if a skunk that is active during the daytime is rabid, and if you should Hire A Pro, Or Remove The Skunk Yourself. Apart from their strong stench, skunks pose little threat. However, if they get upset, they can spray you, your children, your pets, or your home. On top of that, skunks also like to dig in your yard and garden, which can result in dead grass and plants. After you put all of that time and effort into tending your garden and growing a healthy, green yard, it can be frustrating to see your work go to waste.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

To prevent this, bury weave fences or hardware cloth about two inches below the ground. Bend the mesh/hardware into an L-shape or right angle and extend it at least 12 inches outward or away from the location. Dog urine is effective in keeping away skunks as they are their known natural predators. If you can find a way to collect urine from your furry friend, then try this technique. Once you have enough spray it in the skunk-prone areas of your yard.

How To Keep Skunks Away Without Getting Sprayed

So what you’re saying is garbled and what ads are making my website unusable. Sorry if you were miss informed but you can move the animal to euthanize it . This is a great way to have someone never ever visit your site again. Oh, and most states don’t allow transport of wildlife.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

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